Andreas Frangos
Andreas is a clinical psychologist, who completed a Master of Clinical Psychology at Bond University. During his post-graduate training, he completed a research dissertation on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and contamination fears during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Andreas has developed an interest in working with OCD, anxiety, tics and related disorders. He has worked across university, public health, not-for-profit and education settings. In these roles, he gained experience working with people with OCD and anxiety disorders.
Andreas works from a Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) framework, with an interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which is a third wave CBT approach that combines empirical evidence with conventional wisdom to help clients connect with their values and overcome adversity.
Andreas is passionate about providing clients and their families with a neurobiological understanding of mental health disorders such as OCD and anxiety. He is also adept at linking these neurobiological explanations with the lived experience and internal reality of his clients.
Andreas enjoys working with adult clients to help achieve their goals and assist their recovery.